Vaswani Dental Practice, Southgate, London.Vaswani Dental Practice in Southgate, London is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 12th August 2016 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
Local Authority:
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26th July 2016 - During a routine inspection
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection on 26 July 2016 to ask the practice the following key questions; Are services safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?
Our findings were:
Are services safe?
We found that this practice was providing safe care in accordance with the relevant regulations
Are services effective?
We found that this practice was providing effective care in accordance with the relevant regulations
Are services caring?
We found that this practice was providing caring services in accordance with the relevant regulations
Are services responsive?
We found that this practice was providing responsive care in accordance with the relevant regulations
Are services well-led?
We found that this practice was providing well-led care in accordance with the relevant regulations
Vaswani Dental Practice located in Southgate provides private dental treatment to patients of all ages and NHS treatment for children.
Practice staffing consists of the dentist one dental nurse and one trainee dental nurse.
The principal dentist is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as an individual registered person. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the practice is run.
The practice is open Monday to Friday 10am to 6pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm.
The practice facilities include one treatment room, a reception/waiting area and staff room
15 patients provided feedback about the service. Patients we spoke with and those who completed comment cards were very positive about the care they received about the service. Patients told us that they were happy with the treatment and advice they had received.
Our key findings were:
There were areas where the provider could make improvements and should:
14th November 2013 - During a routine inspection
We spoke individually with three patients. They understood the care and treatment choices available to them. One patient told us “the dentist answers my questions very thoroughly” whilst another remarked “I feel comfortable asking questions and I’m happy with the responses.” We were told that patient appointments were followed up between three to twelve months, depending upon treatment complexity and the needs of the individual patient. The dentist told us that during appointments they did not proceed straight to the treatment but would routinely converse with the patient. They told us that this initial conversation (particularly with elderly patients) was an opportunity to identify any possible safeguarding issues. Staff could also explain the process to be followed to ensure that dental instruments were properly cleaned. This included the use of an ultrasonic machine to clean instruments and an autoclave machine to sterilise the cleaned instruments. The provider was able to evidence that patient’s paper records indicated when a patient’s medical condition might impact on dental treatment. We were told that this was also highlighted on the patient’s electronic record. It meant that the provider had accurate records to help identify and manage risks in relation to providing dental care.
17th April 2012 - During a routine inspection
We were able to speak to patients of the dental practice. They indicated that they had been treated with respect and dignity. They expressed satisfaction with the care and treatment provided. The practice has a policy for ensuring that all patients are treated with respect and dignity. Patients made positive comments about staff and indicated that they had confidence in the dentists and other staff who attended to them. Detailed assessments and treatment plans had been prepared for patients. Treatment had been given with patients’ agreement and written consent. Patients’ views can be summarised by the following comments: “The dentist is friendly and kind”. “I’m very happy with the care and attention to me and my teeth”. “He (the dentist) always explains exactly what he is doing”. The premises were clean and well maintained. There are arrangements for infection control checks and daily cleaning tasks. Staff were knowledgeable regarding infection control and decontamination procedures for equipment and instruments used. There was documented evidence that equipment used had been maintained and inspected by specialist contractors.
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