Sutherland Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne.Sutherland Court in Newcastle Upon Tyne is a Residential home specialising in the provision of services relating to accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care, caring for adults over 65 yrs, dementia, physical disabilities and sensory impairments. The last inspection date here was 1st December 2018 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
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Link to this page: Inspection Reports:Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.
18th October 2018 - During a routine inspection
Sutherland Court is a care home that provides accommodation and personal care for a maximum of 74 people. At the time of the inspection the home had the maximum number of people living at the service, some of whom were living with a dementia. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. The Care Quality Commission regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. At our last inspection in February 2016 we rated the service as good. At this inspection we found the evidence continued to support the rating of good and there was no evidence or information from our inspection and ongoing monitoring that demonstrated serious risks or concerns. This inspection report is written in a shorter format because our overall rating of the service has not changed since our last inspection. We found care plans were consistent in the level of detail and person-centred information they contained. Person-centred care planning is a way of helping someone to plan their care and support, focusing on what is important to them. Care staff knew people well and delivered personalised care to people. Risk assessments were in place related to the delivery of care and the environment. People and relatives spoke positively about the service. We saw positive relationships between staff and people. Staff treated people with warmth, compassion and kindness at times when they required support. Staff we spoke with thought they created a caring atmosphere. Safeguarding procedures were in place and people told us they felt safe. Incidents were reported to the appropriate authorities and investigated. Staff understood their responsibility in safeguarding people and told us of the action they would take if they had concerns about harm being caused to people. The administration and management of medicines was safe. Consent to care and treatment was sought in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). The best interest’s decision-making process had been consistently followed for people who lacked capacity to make certain decisions themselves. The service was homely and had been personalised to meet the needs of people. Staff followed infection control procedures and the home was clean and tidy. There were enough staff to meet the needs of people. Safe recruitment procedures were followed during the employment of new staff. Staff told us they felt supported and received regular supervisions and appraisals. A recognition scheme was in place to show staff they were valued. Training the provider had deemed to be mandatory were completed by staff. People were offered a choice of meals and we noted that the food provided was well presented and looked appetising. The environment for dining was helpful in making the meal time experience pleasant for people. People told us the food they received was excellent. Records were available to highlight if people required a specific textured meal due to swallowing difficulties. A range of checks and audits were carried out to monitor the quality of the service. Care records were complete and up to date, they were maintained to a good standard and stored securely so they remained confidential. Repeat incidents were reviewed to ensure any opportunities to learn were identified. People, relatives, staff and professionals were positive about the leadership of the home and the registered manager. The provider was meeting legal requirements in relation to notifying CQC of events and displaying their current quality rating. A visiting professional spoke of a positive working relationship and that care staff were always welcoming. Relatives we spoke to said that their relative received excellent care.
17th February 2016 - During a routine inspection
The inspection took place on 17 and 18 February 2016 and was unannounced. This means the provider did not know we were coming. We last inspected Sutherland Court in May 2014. At that inspection we found the service was meeting the legal requirements in force at the time. Sutherland Court provides personal care for up to 74 older people, including people with dementia- related conditions. Nursing care is not provided at the home. At the time of our inspection there were 65 people living at the home. The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. At the time of the inspection the registered manager was on leave of absence and an acting manager was in post.
We found that people’s care was provided in a safe, comfortable and hygienic environment. Risks to personal safety were suitably assessed and managed to keep people safe from harm. There were robust safeguarding procedures which protected people against the risk of abuse. Enough staff were employed at the home, enabling people to be safely supported and have continuity of care. The service had made appropriate arrangements for meeting health care needs and assisting people to take their medicines safely. A varied menu with choices of meals was offered and any special dietary needs were met. Nutrition was closely monitored and dietetic support was requested when needed. Staff were provided with training relevant to their roles and responsibilities to ensure people received care that was effective in meeting their needs. Systems were in place to supervise staff and support them in their personal development. People had been consulted about and agreed to their care and treatment. Where people were unable to give consent, formal processes to uphold their rights were undertaken.
The staff knew people well and understood their diverse needs. They were kind and caring in their interactions and promoted people’s privacy and dignity. Staff treated people as individuals and supported them to make choices and decisions about their care. Care needs were regularly assessed and people had individualised care plans which took into account how they preferred to be supported. People could pursue their leisure interests and had access to a programme of social activities for stimulation. The acting manager provided leadership within the home and was supported by the provider’s management team. They promoted an inclusive atmosphere and encouraged people, their representatives and staff to be involved in the way the home was run. There was a clear complaints procedure and any concerns received were taken seriously and managed in a timely way. A variety of methods were used to monitor the quality of the service and make sure any necessary improvements were implemented.
8th May 2013 - During a routine inspection
People were given all the information they needed to make informed decisions about their care and were asked to provide their consent to such care. We saw people were cared for effectively and care was planned to meet individuals’ needs. The home had appropriate arrangements to manage medicines that kept people safe. There was sufficient staff to provide care and support. The provider had a robust system in place to record and monitor complaints. Complaints were taken seriously and responded to appropriately. The representatives or advocates of people who used the service were positive about the care and support provided. People’s comments included, “I really like it here”, and, “I have everything I need. The staff are lovely”. In this report the name of a registered manager appears who was not in post and not managing the regulatory activities at this location at the time of the inspection. Their name appears because they were still a Registered Manager on our register at the time.
26th April 2012 - During a routine inspection
People using the service spoke positively about the care provided at the home and staff. Their comments included, “They look after us very well”; “The staff are wonderful, very kind and caring”; and, “I’m more than satisfied“. Staff working at the home told us they were well supported and trained to meet people’s care and support needs.
1st January 1970 - During a routine inspection
We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask;
• Is the service safe? • Is the service effective? • Is the service caring? • Is the service responsive? • Is the service well-led? This is a summary of what we found- Is the service safe? Risks to people’s personal safety were assessed and managed to enable their care to be delivered safely. Staff were trained to protect vulnerable people from abuse and any allegations that people may have been harmed were responded to appropriately. The home had robust arrangements for supporting people with their prescribed medicines. There were enough staff on duty to meet people’s care needs. Staffing was kept under review and took account of the numbers of people living at the home and the extent of care they required.
Is the service effective? People’s care was suitably planned and checked at regular intervals to make sure it remained effective. People living at the home, and their relatives, told us they were pleased with their care and support. One person told us, “I get plenty of help with the things I can’t do myself.” Relatives said, “All her needs are met, I’ve no worries about that”; and, “The staff have been great. They’ve done everything possible to keep X comfortable and happy”. Is the service caring? Care was planned and provided according to individuals’ needs and wishes. People and their relatives described staff as kind and caring and this was confirmed by our observations. We saw there was a relaxed atmosphere with flexible routines and people were able to do things at their own pace. Is the service responsive? People’s needs were fully assessed before they came to live at the home. Care was then reviewed at regular intervals and adapted in response to people’s changing needs.
Is the service well-led? At the time of this inspection the registered manager was on extended leave of absence and the home was being managed by an acting manager. The acting manager was supported by senior management and the senior care staff team to ensure people were provided with continuity of care. Thorough quality assurance processes were in place to check that standards were maintained. These included routinely asking people for their feedback on the running of the home. People and relatives we talked with told us they were satisfied and had no complaints about the service they received.
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