Stratford Dialysis Unit, Arden Street, Stratford Upon Avon.Stratford Dialysis Unit in Arden Street, Stratford Upon Avon is a Clinic specialising in the provision of services relating to caring for adults over 65 yrs, caring for adults under 65 yrs and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 26th July 2017 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
Local Authority:
Link to this page: Inspection Reports:Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.
3rd April 2013 - During a routine inspection
We spoke with the registered manager, deputy manager, one registered nurse and a health care assistant. We also spoke with three patients. The patients told us they had been satisfied with their care; the staff were ‘’Friendly’’ and ‘’They know what they are doing!’’ We were told they had been kept informed about their treatments and had been given choices in how their treatments were delivered. Staff we spoke with confirmed that staff recruitment processes were robust and as such ensured people were cared for by staff that had the appropriate skills and experience. The recruitment information we saw for a new registered nurse demonstrated that recruitment processes had been robust. Patients' needs had been assessed, risks identified and personalised plans of care developed. We saw evidence of patient involvement in consent processes and guidance available should a patient not have the capacity to consent to treatment. The provider may like to note that we were told that staff had not received any training in the Mental Capacity Act (2005) or best interests assessments.
We reviewed cleanliness and infection control processes and practices during the inspection and noted that the environment was clean, although we did observe a build up of dust on two portable fans and some media display units. We observed staff hand hygiene and treatment practices and noted them to be satisfactory.
27th April 2012 - During a routine inspection
We asked four people who use the service and four staff their views about the care and treatment provided at Stratford Dialysis Centre (the centre). The patients we spoke with had been long term patients at the centre. People said their experiences at the centre had been positive; one person said ‘we are very spoilt over here; we receive a good service.’ Other patients comments included ’can’t knock the care’ and ‘staff are competent, know what they are doing and are very friendly.’ People told us that sufficient staff had been available during their treatments and new staff members had been supervised. People said they ‘felt safe’ when receiving care and treatment at the clinic. People told us before receiving care and / or treatment they had been asked for their past medical history. They said they had also agreed consent to treatment prior to treatment starting and when treatment plans changed. One person told us before starting treatment staff had asked questions about her health, background, medication and general condition. She said these areas had been reviewed by the staff member each time she had visited the centre for treatment. People said they had been given appropriate information and support regarding their care and treatment. They said staff had regularly spoken to them about their treatment and had encouraged questions. One person told us the multi-disciplinary team had reviewed her treatment plans monthly. Following these reviews she said she had been given verbal feedback and a letter for her GP. Two other patients described how they had been involved and informed of their treatment. The first patient said he had been kept informed of his blood results and had received a monthly printout of the blood results to take away. These blood results had been monitored by his consultant who had discussed them with him during outpatient appointments. The second patient said she had been trained to receive home dialysis. Part of the training involved her attendance at an identified training session at her local hospital. People also spoke about a monthly newsletter which informed them of any changes at the centre and specific social events. Two people said they had given feedback in the 2011 transport survey. They told us this survey had included questions about their consultant and nurse and whether they were happy with their care and treatment. People told us they were aware of how to complain and where they could access information about complaints. People said they felt comfortable raising concerns with a staff member or the Patient Advice Liaison Service.
1st January 1970 - During a routine inspection
Stratford Dialysis Unit is operated by Fresenius Medical Care Renal Services Limited. The service has 12 dialysis stations. Facilities include two isolation rooms.
Dialysis units offer services which replicate the functions of the kidneys for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. Dialysis is used to provide artificial replacement for lost kidney function.
The service provided over 8,700 dialysis treatment sessions per year and had 59 patients.
All the patients were over 18 years old:
Services we do not rate
We regulate dialysis services but we do not currently have a legal duty to rate them. We highlight good practice and issues that service providers need to improve and take regulatory action as necessary.
We found the following areas of good practice:
However, we also found the following issues that the service provider needs to improve:
Following this inspection, we told the provider that it must take some actions to comply with the regulations and that it should make other improvements, even though a regulation had not been breached, to help the service improve. We also issued the provider with two requirement notices. Details are at the end of the report.
Edward Baker
Deputy Chief Inspector of Hospitals
Central Region
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