St Johns House, Palgrave, Diss.St Johns House in Palgrave, Diss is a Hospitals - Mental health/capacity specialising in the provision of services relating to assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the 1983 act, caring for people whose rights are restricted under the mental health act, diagnostic and screening procedures, learning disabilities, mental health conditions, substance misuse problems and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 3rd August 2018 Contact Details:
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Link to this page: Inspection Reports:Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.
24th November 2014 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made
We found;-
8th July 2013 - During a routine inspection
During our inspection we spoke in detail with six people who used the service. They told us how the service involved them in decisions about their day to day lives and about their care and treatment. They told us that there were regular 'in house meetings' held on their ward. One person said that this gave them, "The chance to talk up." However, they added that,” Meetings don’t always make a difference." Another person told us, “We always speak up at in-service meetings." They also told us they had used the advocacy service and said, "They're good." Another person we spoke with told us the advocate came to their review meetings and said, "They speak up for me." This showed that people had the chance to discuss concerns with an independent advocate who would speak up on their behalf where appropriate. People we spoke with told us about activities that they were able to take part in. these were vocational as well as leisure activities. Three people told how much they enjoyed horticultural sessions. We looked at how the service responded to incidents and at the safeguarding procedures in use. This showed that measures were in place to ensure people were safe and that any incidents were quickly responded to and dealt with. We looked at care, staff recruitment, maintenance and training records. These were well maintained and ensured that information was accurate and fit for purpose.
6th August 2012 - During a routine inspection
During our visit we spoke with eight of the 31 people who were receiving treatment at the time. They told us they were well treated and supported with their day to day living. One person told us that staff "Go out of their way to help us" and another person said "Staff support me as much as they can." We were told by five people who used the service that they had care plans although one person told us that some of the other people who used the service "Did not always follow them (the care plans.)" We were told about recreational activities which included art, gardening and sailing and also about numeracy and literacy sessions. We were told by one person that their chosen activities were "Sometimes cancelled" and that "No one tells me why." We were also told that plans for the future had been discussed with most of the people we spoke with. One person told us that they knew what they had to do first. They said that they had to "Do all my psychology work first" and added that it was "Hard work but helpful." Most of the people we spoke with told us they knew what to do if they were being abused or witnessed abuse, but only one person said that they "Felt safe."
31st August 2011 - During an inspection in response to concerns
During our visit on 31 August 2011 we spoke with a number of people about their views and experiences of Bure ward. People told us that they were involved in planning and reviewing their care. We were told that people had opportunities to ask questions about their treatment and one person told us, "People listen here, we get lots of support from staff." We were told that there was a good balance of activities, including educational sessions, arts and crafts, cooking and games. Most people also had escorted leave and made use of community facilities. Two of the people we spoke with were complimentary about the staff. One told us that if things were difficult staff helped them. Another said, "I have communications with the staff and I would tell them if I wasn't happy." People named specific staff whom they felt comfortable speaking to about their concerns.
9th June 2011 - During an inspection in response to concerns
People using the service told us that they received the support they needed from the staff. Two people said they liked the staff and got along well with them. People had opportunities to participate in therapeutic and recreational activities, which they said they enjoyed. People had different views about whether the sessions were voluntary and some people told us there were consequences if they did not attend. We asked the manager to look into this and ensure that everyone was clear about what was expected of them.
8th February 2011 - During an inspection in response to concerns
We were able to ask people about their views and experiences relating to all of the outcomes we looked at. We spoke at some length with five people from two of the wards. People gave us examples of how they were able to make decisions and consent to their care and treatment, unless this was part of their treatment under the Mental Health Act. One person told us that they had asked staff for information about the medicines they took, which helped them to give informed consent. Another person said that staff tried to encourage her to accept help but no-one tried to force her if she said no. Four of the people with whom we spoke had been subject to restraint at some time during their stay at St Johns House. They held the view that restraint was used too quickly by staff. However, two people then went on to give us examples of how staff had tried to help to calm them by talking and it was only when this did not work they needed to resort to restraint. Two of the people with whom we spoke raised concerns for their safety because the staff call system was not working properly. Four of the people with whom we spoke said they thought the cleanliness of St Johns could be better. Two people told us that the hot water on one of the wards was not working properly. We later found out from the manager that this issue had been resolved. Another person we spoke with said they thought the cleaning products in use could be better, but this was their personal opinion. People were not really clear about what training staff had or whether staff always understood their needs. One person told us, "Sometimes when I get upset I feel they don’t understand but when I talk to them they do." We asked three people about how complaints were dealt with. It was their perception that nothing was done about complaints. We looked into this and found that this was not the case.
1st January 1970 - During a routine inspection
We rated St Johns House as good because
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