Sale Moor Dental Practice, Sale.Sale Moor Dental Practice in Sale is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 28th March 2013 Contact Details:
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13th March 2013 - During a routine inspection
During our inspection we spoke with three people, they told us: “They are very good and accommodating here, I have received good information prior to treatment, and they answer any question I might have regarding treatment and aftercare.” “Whenever I have needed an emergency appointment, I have been seen quickly.” “They are the best dentist I have ever had, I have always had phobias and they take this into account and really understand. I see a dentist who specialises in phobic patients, and they put me at ease.” One dentist told us: “Even with signed consent, we still asked for verbal consent prior to proceeding with treatment and record this in electronic notes.” We saw verbal consent documented throughout the three patient records we looked at. We reviewed three electronic dental records, which showed that risk assessments were carried out prior to treatment, with any medical conditional or allergies clearly highlighted. All clinical staff had undertaken a vetting procedure from the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) to ensure that they were considered fit to work with children and vulnerable adults. We observed that all areas of the premises were clean and tidy. We spoke with a nurse and they were clear about their roles and responsibilities for cleanliness and infection control. The manager showed us evidence of audits taking place to monitor quality, these included checks on the appropriate prescribing of antibiotics and patients electronic records.
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