Rosebrough Dental Practice, Newcastle Upon Tyne.Rosebrough Dental Practice in Newcastle Upon Tyne is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 3rd December 2013 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
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Link to this page: Inspection Reports:Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.
4th November 2013 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made
At this inspection we checked whether previous shortfalls in the management of infection control, the support provided to workers, the systems in place to measure the quality of the service provided, and records, had been addressed. We found that improvements had been made. We found that care was provided in a clean and hygienic environment and infection control guidelines for dentistry were followed appropriately. Staff told us that they felt supported to deliver care to people to an appropriate standard. We found the provider had effective systems in place to measure the quality of the service that people received and to protect the health, safety and welfare of people, staff and visitors. The records held in relation to people's care and treatment were suitably maintained in order to ensure that their care needs were met and their health and welfare promoted. In addition, records related to staff were in place and all records within the practice were suitably stored.
5th April 2013 - During a routine inspection
People told us they were happy with the dental care and treatment they received. One person said, "It is fine here. I have been coming here for fifty odd years." Another person said, "It is fine here. I have never had a problem at all." We found that people were involved in their care and were given information and choices about treatment options. People's dental care and treatment needs were assessed and their treatment was planned. However, we found that there were not enough measures in place within the practice to prevent the spread of infection. Staff were not appropriately supported as there were no supervisions or appraisals in place. The provider did not have effective systems in place to monitor the quality of the service they provided and records related to staff employed by the provider were not appropriately maintained or accessible.
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