Orthokind - York, York.Orthokind - York in York is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to caring for adults over 65 yrs, caring for adults under 65 yrs, caring for children (0 - 18yrs), diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 6th July 2013 Contact Details:
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14th June 2013 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made
During our last inspection on 29 January 2013 we identified some concerns relating to infection control and the recruitment of staff. We asked the provider to address the issues raised. This was a follow up visit to check whether the provider had taken appropriate action to address the issues that we had previously found. During this visit we spoke with three staff. We inspected the decontamination room. We looked at some staff files and some policies and procedures. We did not speak with people using the service because there was only one person present and they were receiving treatment. All the staff we spoke with confirmed that the newly refurbished decontamination room had addressed the shortfalls that we had found previously. A member of staff said “This facility is much better now. We can wash our hands inside the decontamination room. The pedal bin works without us having to lift the bin lid manually.” This helped protect people’s health and wellbeing. We had asked the provider to take some action to improve one part of their recruitment process. We saw evidence that appropriate action had been taken. We saw robust systems were now in place to ensure that all staff had written references on file. This helped protect all parties.
29th January 2013 - During a routine inspection
People we spoke with told us that they had been examined and were given information about their treatment options. They said that this had allowed them to be able to give their consent for their care and treatment. People received the care and treatment that they needed to meet their needs. People we spoke with said they could get an appointment with a dentist when it was convenient for them. One person said “I received swift and fluent treatments. They are organised. They have done everything regarding my treatment to keep their end of the bargain.” Systems were in place regarding the decontamination of dental equipment. However, we have asked the provider to make some improvements to help to maintain infection control. People we spoke with could not tell us about the staff recruitment processes in place. Staff received ongoing training to develop their skills. One person we spoke with said “The staff are professional and kind.” However, we have asked the provider to take some action to improve one part of their recruitment process. The practice had a complaints procedure in place. People we spoke with at the time of our visit had not raised any complaints with the provider. One person said “I have never raised any issues. If I was not happy, I would feel obliged to say something.” We saw that surveys were undertaken periodically to gain people’s views. This ensured that the provider listened to people.
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