Mount Dental Surgery - Batley, Mount Pleasant, Batley.Mount Dental Surgery - Batley in Mount Pleasant, Batley is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 14th December 2013 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
Local Authority:
Link to this page: Inspection Reports:Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.
19th November 2013 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made
![]() When we visited the location in September 2013 we said that improvements were needed regarding the secure storage of people's records. We returned on this inspection to check whether improvements had been made. We saw that the provider had installed a system which ensured the secure storage of people's records. We spoke with the provider and the receptionist who told us the new storage system for the records was working well.
19th September 2013 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made
![]() When we visited the surgery in May 2013 we found there were issues with the way staff were recruited. We also found that records of peoples care and treatment were not being stored securely. We returned to the location and found the provider had taken steps to ensure staff were recruited following the policy in place. However, we also found that records of peoples care and treatment were still not stored securely.
10th May 2013 - During a routine inspection
![]() When we visited the location we spoke with three people who used the service. One person told us "I'm more than happy with my care, I always recommend this surgery to people". Another person told us "Nine people in my family use this dentist. We wouldn't go anywhere else". We were also told that the nurses and reception staff are very friendly and nothing is too much trouble for them.
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