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Care Services

carehome, nursing and medical services directory

Lincoln Dental Practice, Carlton Centre, Lincoln.

Lincoln Dental Practice in Carlton Centre, Lincoln is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 9th July 2013

Lincoln Dental Practice is managed by Lincoln Cda Limited.

Contact Details:

      Lincoln Dental Practice
      3 Carlton Mews
      Carlton Centre
      LN2 4FJ
      United Kingdom


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Effective: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Caring: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Responsive: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Well-Led: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Overall: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2013-07-09
    Last Published 2013-07-09

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

7th June 2013 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Staff told us the practice was well led and the manager was approachable.

People told us it was easy to get an appointment. One person said, “It’s easy to get an appointment on the day I want it and the text reminder a few days before is always helpful.”

One person told us, “They always ask if there is any change to my health since my last visit. There is a form to complete about my health and medications.”

People told us the practice was clean and they felt safe. One person said, “It’s always clean.”

People were cared for, or supported by, suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff. People said they were confident in the staff who treated them.

We saw people were protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment because accurate and appropriate records were maintained.

15th March 2012 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Patients told us that they received the treatment they wanted in a efficient and organised way. One patient said that staff were sensitive to their individual needs. Others told us they were involved in decision making about their treatment and were able to express their views about the services.

Patients said that they always found the environment was clean and staff wore the right protective equipment when treating them. Things like gloves and masks when treating them. They also said that staff offered them the use of protective glasses and bibs during treatment.



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