Innisfree Residential Home, Weston Super Mare.Innisfree Residential Home in Weston Super Mare is a Residential home specialising in the provision of services relating to accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care, caring for adults over 65 yrs and dementia. The last inspection date here was 17th April 2020 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
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5th January 2017 - During a routine inspection
![]() The unannounced inspection took place on 5 and 6 January 2017. A previous inspection on September 2014 found the standards we looked at were met. Innisfree Residential Home is registered to provide accommodation and personal care for up to a maximum of 28 people. The service specialises in the care of older people living with dementia. There were 23 people using the service at the time of the inspection. Innisfree Residential Home has a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The registered manager ran the service with passion and commitment, in close partnership with the registered provider. There were many examples of how their understanding of the needs of people living with dementia had improved those individual’s lives. People lived in a homely, friendly and caring environment, which had adaptations which helped maintain their independence. The quality of the service was closely monitored, with the registered manager fully informed of how staff provided people’s care and support. People benefitted from a staff team which were well trained. However, they were not adequately trained in the complications of one health care condition, which had the potential to put people at risk. The registered manager arranged the training immediately. Staff felt supported in their work and said they could take any question or concern to the registered manager. The service was actively recruiting new staff. People had no concerns around staffing numbers. Staff felt they could meet the needs of people using the service in a timely manner and we found people’s needs were being met. Staff had a good understanding of how to protect people from abuse and protect their legal rights. People received their medicines as prescribed. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is required to monitor the operation of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and to report on what we find. DoLS are put in place to protect people where they do not have capacity to make decisions, and where it is considered necessary to restrict their freedom in some way, usually to protect themselves or others. The service had sought appropriate advice and was meeting people's legal rights in relation to MCA and DoLS. People received a balanced, nutritious diet and commented about the food positively. People said they had a choice of meals and there was food and drinks available at all times. Staff ensured people who were on specialist diets had their needs met. Where they had concerns about people’s dietary intake they took action and involved health professionals.
The service worked in partnership with health care professionals to meet people’s health care needs. Health care professionals said they were contacted appropriately. People’s views were sought through day to day conversation with staff and observation, resident meetings, care plan reviews and a yearly survey of opinion. Where a need for improvement was identified an action plan was produced, with timescales for the improvement. People had a wide variety of activities available to them. These included entertainment, outings, arts and crafts, helping with domestic and gardening chores and quizzes and puzzles. Staff had developed good relationships with people. The layout of the home offered different options for people, such as a cosy sitting room or the conservatory for arts and crafts. There were examples of how staff knowledge and empathy had enriched and improved people’s lives, such as removing well established fears and providing support following bereavement. The registered manager’s commitment to the care of people living with dementia had exte
25th September 2014 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made
![]() Is the service safe? Our inspection of 8 July 2014 found that not all aspects of the service were safe. Staffing levels were not always sufficient to ensure that people were cared for safely. There were times during the day when some people's individual needs meant staff would not be available to assist any other people in the home. The provider wrote to us on 1 September 2014 and told us how they would achieve compliance with the regulation. During this inspection, we found that improvements had been made. The provider had ensured that there were sufficient staff to keep people safe and meet their health and welfare needs. Is the service well led? Our inspection of 8 July 2014 found that not all aspects of the service were well led. Staffing levels had not been assessed to meet people’s needs and there was no evidence that staff levels in the home had been calculated to reflect people’s assessed needs. The provider wrote to us on 1 September 2014 and told us how they would achieve compliance with the regulation.
During this inspection, we found that improvements had been made. The provider had undertaken a dependency assessment to help ensure the home had sufficient staff on duty to meet people’s needs. The provider had ensured staff feedback had been obtained to help ensure staffing levels were appropriate.
8th July 2014 - During a routine inspection
![]() Is the service safe? People who lived at Innisfree Residential Care Home spoke highly of the staff employed at the home. They told us they felt they were treated with dignity and respect by the staff at the home and felt safe within their environment. Where people had identified risks, for example with mobility or skin damage, an assessment had been completed and a plan to guide staff on how to support the person safely was in place. These assessments were reviewed regularly which ensured the information in them was current. Staffing levels were not always sufficient to ensure that people were cared for safely. There was no evidence that staff levels in the home had been calculated to reflect people’s assessed needs. There were times during the day when some people's individual needs meant staff would not be available to assist any other people in the home. Is the service effective? People and their relatives told us they were involved in care planning and decisions about their daily living. This was reflected in people’s care records. We saw the home had a system to review people’s care needs on a monthly basis to ensure changes in people’s needs were identified. We received positive comments about the staff employed at the home and the level of care that people received. One person told us, “They (the staff) look after me here, they are great.” Another person when asked about the care and staff said, “They are brilliant, I can’t speak highly enough.” One person’s relative told us, “I’m happy with the care they provide, the staff seem good here.” Staff said that information was shared about people to ensure any changes in a person’s care needs were highlighted. This was demonstrated through handover documentation and daily recordings. Is the service caring? People gave positive feedback about the staff at the home and the level of care they received. We saw that people received the support they needed and people told us their needs were met by staff. Is the service responsive? We saw that the service involved other healthcare professionals as required. The home was involved in a project named the Residential Home Support Team project. The aim of the project was to avoid or reduce unnecessary and unwanted emergency admissions to hospital. This meant that people who lived in the home had regular access to medical support. Is the service well led? One aspect of the service was not well led as staffing levels had not been assessed to meet people’s needs and action had not been taken to rectify shortfalls. There was not a dependency assessment of people’s needs that ensured sufficient staff were on duty to meet people’s needs. We saw that there were systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service provided. This included resident and relative meetings to gather the views of the people who lived at the home and their relatives. Accidents and incidents that occurred in the home were recorded and reviewed by the registered manager to establish any trends and take necessary action.
22nd November 2013 - During a routine inspection
![]() We spoke to a number of people living at Innisfree who told us "I don't have any complaints, the staff are very good here" "It's always very clean here, I like that" "I have a duvet and it's very big and warm and I like it" "The food is very good" "A library comes here once a month and they leave large print books for us" "I am doing a puzzle and painting upstairs" "The food is very good with variety" "Everywhere is nice and clean" "They are very helpful" "They look after me very well" "I feel very safe" We spoke to a number of staff who told us "The staff are very aware of resident's safety" "The training is very good here" "If I had a concern it would be dealt with effectively" "I have no concerns" "That could be my Mum sat there, that's how we look after people here" "Last week a number of us went on an all day first aid course and it was really good" "The manager is wonderful" "The managers door is always open" "The food selection is really good and they can always have what they want" We spoke to a visiting community nurse who told us "The team are supportive and absolutely fabulous" "Really good communication" "No concerns" "If they have any problems they let us know" and "We come twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays" We observed people being treated with respect and dignity. Individual preferences were recorded and acted upon. People living in the home appeared happy and relaxed. We observed numerous one to one conversations between staff and residents with staff clearly attentive and actively listening to people.
14th January 2013 - During a routine inspection
![]() There were 24 people living at the home. During our visit we spoke with nine people and six staff. We carried out our own observations of the service including the interactions between staff and the people they supported. Staff were respectful towards people using the service. People indicated they felt comfortable and at ease in their conversations with staff. People spoke positively about the service saying they were treated with respect and were happy to live at Innisfree. One person said "They treat you nicely here. They don’t make you feel embarrassed." We saw that staff had developed good relationships with people and were knowledgeable about their individual care needs. Peoples' care files showed that care and support was planned and provided to help ensure people's safety and welfare. People told us they had good relationships with the staff and said they "felt safe". All the people said they were happy in the home but due to their care needs several struggled to explain what action they would take if they became unhappy. People told us that staff treated them as individuals and could make changes to their daily routines. One person said “I know what I like and don’t like and can make changes.” We went around parts of the home and looked at various records that showed how staff were able to meet peoples' needs. People told us that they felt involved in the decision making in the home and we saw that people participated in regular group meetings.
21st September 2011 - During a routine inspection
![]() People who spoke with us were able to discuss their life at the home and what they enjoyed about living there. People said that they appreciate having their own rooms, and being able to choose what things they can have in them. People told us that they liked living at the home. One person said “I have lived here for many years. I would recommend it to anyone”. Another person told us “I moved here because I was lonely at home. I’ve got lots of friends now”. People told us that they made decisions about what they did during the day and the evening. One person told us “I decide what I do during the day. Sometimes I join in the singing or the quizzes but I also like to knit and talk to people here”. People who use the service told us that they felt safe at the home and that staff are “kind. They always make the effort for us”. Another person told us “the staff always treat us well”. People told us that the food was “really good” and that there was plenty to eat at times that suited them. One person said “we can choose what we want to eat. The food is lovely here.” A relative told us “I chose this home because it had a good feeling when I walked through the door”. There was assistance for people to maintain their personal hygiene if required and their privacy and dignity is respected. People told us that their rooms were warm and comfortable. People had positive comments to make about the home and we found that all the essential standards were met.
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