Harino Care Limited Head Office, Chiltern Enterprise Centre, Station Road, Theale, Reading.Harino Care Limited Head Office in Chiltern Enterprise Centre, Station Road, Theale, Reading is a Homecare agencies specialising in the provision of services relating to caring for adults over 65 yrs, caring for adults under 65 yrs, dementia, eating disorders, mental health conditions, personal care, physical disabilities and sensory impairments. The last inspection date here was 23rd October 2019 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
Local Authority:
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17th January 2017 - During a routine inspection
This inspection took place on the 17 and 19 January 2017 and was announced. Harino Care Ltd is a domiciliary care agency. Care and support is provided to people in their own home to promote their independence and well-being. At the time of the inspection the agency was providing a range of care packages to 88 people. The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated regulations about how the service is run. People told us that they felt safe with staff and would be confident to raise any concerns they had. The provider’s recruitment procedures were mostly thorough and medicines were managed safely. There were sufficient staff to provide safe, effective care at the times agreed by the people who were using the service. There were procedures in place to manage risks to people and staff. Staff were aware of how to deal with emergency situations and knew how to keep people safe by reporting concerns promptly through processes that they understood well. Staff received an induction and spent time working with experienced members of staff before working alone with people. The induction process corresponded with the 15 standards that health and social care workers need to complete during their induction period. Staff were supported to receive the training and development they needed to care for and support people’s individual needs. People and their families were mostly very complimentary of the services provided. The comments we received demonstrated that people felt valued and listened to. People were treated with kindness and respect whilst their independence was promoted within their homes and the community. People received care and support from familiar and regular staff and would recommend the service to other people. People’s needs were reviewed regularly and their care and support plans promoted person-centred care. Up to date information was communicated to staff to ensure they could provide the appropriate care and support for each individual. Staff knew how to contact healthcare professionals in a timely manner if there were concerns about a person’s wellbeing. The provider had a system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received and identified areas for improvement.
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