Global House in Hayes, Bromley is a Community services - Healthcare, Community services - Mental Health, Diagnosis/screening, Doctors/GP, Mobile doctor, Phone/online advice and Rehabilitation (illness/injury) specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning services, nursing care, services for everyone, surgical procedures, transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 7th June 2017
Global House is managed by Bromley Healthcare Community Interest Company who are also responsible for 11 other locations
Contact Details:
Global House 10 Station Approach Hayes Bromley BR2 7EH United Kingdom
All the people, carers and, parents of children who used the service we spoke with told us they were very happy with the service they received. People said they were given choices about how their care was delivered and that they felt safe and well cared for.
Some of the comments we received included: “we were very fortunate. (there was) very good forward planning by the team” and “I look forward to them coming here. Nurses I have are like an extension of my family.” When asked about the care they received one person said, “excellent. I am a welcome visitor at the care centre.” One parent told us, “staff at my child’s care centre are very nice. (they) engage so much with the children.” Another person said that their child’s consultant “was amazing.” They told us they were given the right information. However, they also told us, “if one thing could be improved it would be the co-ordination amongst various internal teams.”
At our inspection we found that people received care based on an appropriate assessment of their needs. Staff were well supported and worked with other health and social care professionals to ensure people using the service received safe and effective care. The staff understood how to keep people safe and understood their responsibilities for reporting concerns if necessary. The provider ensured that safe recruitment practices were adhered to in order to keep people safe. People’s care records were up to date.
Overall, we rated the services at Global house as good because:
The service had effective systems for identifying and reporting incidents, and staff recorded and investigated incidents appropriately. The service took action to mitigate risks to patients in services covered by community teams. The service monitored its safety thermometer information to improve patient safety. Staff had received safeguarding training and were aware of the action to take if they suspected abuse.
Patient records were comprehensive, with appropriate risk assessments completed.
The new electronic patient record system ensured that patient details were stored securely and promoted confidentiality.
Patients were cared for by appropriately qualified staff, who had received an induction to the unit and achieved specific competencies before being able to care for patients independently. Contraceptive and reproductive health staff were trained in the speciality and many had undertaken the diploma from the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health.
There was effective internal and external multidisciplinary team working and practitioners worked with other staff across services.
Patients gave positive feedback about the services they used. They told us their confidentiality, dignity and privacy was respected by staff.
Services were developed to meet the needs of people. Patients on the home pathway had their rehabilitation needs met in their homes. The Medical Response Team provided telephone consultations and face-to-face consultations in patients’ homes. The contraceptive and reproductive health clinic times were flexible to meet people’s needs.
We saw good local leadership within the service and staff reflected this in their conversations with us. There was a positive culture in the service and staff said they could raise concerns with the leadership team.
The service had implemented a live performance scorecard for daily monitoring of key performance indicators.
A surgical safety checklist was not in use for vasectomy procedures.
Local risk assessments for satellite clinics were completed, but action plans for change did not have set times for completion.
There was no formal service level agreement in place for the use of satellite locations for contraception and reproductive health services. However, the provider conducted annual risk assessments and had escalation procedures in place for use of the facilities.