Forest Group Practice in Brandon is a Doctors/GP specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning services, maternity and midwifery services, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 2nd May 2017
Forest Group Practice is managed by Drs Dunne, Gove, Reid and Derbyshire who are also responsible for 1 other location
Contact Details:
Forest Group Practice Bury Road Brandon IP27 0UB United Kingdom
For a guide to the ratings, click here.
Safe: Good
Effective: Good
Caring: Good
Responsive: Good
Well-Led: Good
Overall: Good
Further Details:
Important Dates:
Last Inspection
Last Published
Local Authority:
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Inspection Reports:
Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.
Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Forest Group Practice on 8 August 2016. The overall rating for the practice was rated as Good overall and good for providing effective, responsive, caring and well-led services. The practice was rated as requires improvement for providing safe services. The full comprehensive report on the August 2016 inspection can be found by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Forest Group Practice on our website at
This inspection was desk-based review carried out on 31 March 2017 to confirm that the practice had carried out their plan to meet the legal requirements in relation to the breaches in regulations that we identified in our previous inspection on 8 August 2016. This report covers our findings in relation to those requirements and also additional improvements made since our last inspection.
Overall the practice is rated as Good. However, on the inspection on 8 August 2016, there were areas of practice where the provider needed to make improvements.
We found that the provider must:
Ensure that the actions identified in the fire risk assessment are completed and that the practice conducts regular fire drill and formal awareness training. Ensure the fire exit that is accessed through a treatment room has clear signage so that staff and patients are aware.
In addition we found the practice should:
Develop a system to ensure that regular audits are undertaken to monitor quality and performance and to encourage improvement.
Review the practice training log to improve management oversight. When requested the practice had not been able to produce all the information easily.
Review the system and ensure all clinical staff immunisations are recorded.
Embed the new system to manage infection control monitoring and audit.
At this inspection we found that;
Actions identified in the fire risk assessment were completed. Fire drills and fire training had been conducted. A fire exit that was accessed through a treatment room had clear signage to ensure staff and patients were aware of the exit.
The practice had developed a system to ensure that regular audits were undertaken to monitor quality and performance and to encourage improvement. We saw evidence of audits having been commenced.
The practice had reviewed the way it managed staff training and had implemented a staff training policy. An audit of staff training had been undertaken with individual training logs for each member of staff.
The practice had implemented a staff vaccination policy and was in the process of recording all staff immunisations.
The practice was in the process of embedding the new system to manage infection control with audits undertaken on a rolling cycle.
The areas where the provider should make improvement are:
Continue to embed the systems in place to ensure regular audits are undertaken and reviewed to monitor quality and performance and to encourage improvement.
Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice
We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Forest Group Practice on 8 August 2016. The overall rating for the practice was rated as Good overall and good for providing effective, responsive, caring and well-led services. The practice was rated as requires improvement for providing safe services. The full comprehensive report on the August 2016 inspection can be found by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Forest Group Practice on our website at
This inspection was desk-based review carried out on 31 March 2017 to confirm that the practice had carried out their plan to meet the legal requirements in relation to the breaches in regulations that we identified in our previous inspection on 8 August 2016. This report covers our findings in relation to those requirements and also additional improvements made since our last inspection.
Overall the practice is rated as Good. However, on the inspection on 8 August 2016, there were areas of practice where the provider needed to make improvements.
We found that the provider must:
Ensure that the actions identified in the fire risk assessment are completed and that the practice conducts regular fire drill and formal awareness training. Ensure the fire exit that is accessed through a treatment room has clear signage so that staff and patients are aware.
In addition we found the practice should:
Develop a system to ensure that regular audits are undertaken to monitor quality and performance and to encourage improvement.
Review the practice training log to improve management oversight. When requested the practice had not been able to produce all the information easily.
Review the system and ensure all clinical staff immunisations are recorded.
Embed the new system to manage infection control monitoring and audit.
At this inspection we found that;
Actions identified in the fire risk assessment were completed. Fire drills and fire training had been conducted. A fire exit that was accessed through a treatment room had clear signage to ensure staff and patients were aware of the exit.
The practice had developed a system to ensure that regular audits were undertaken to monitor quality and performance and to encourage improvement. We saw evidence of audits having been commenced.
The practice had reviewed the way it managed staff training and had implemented a staff training policy. An audit of staff training had been undertaken with individual training logs for each member of staff.
The practice had implemented a staff vaccination policy and was in the process of recording all staff immunisations.
The practice was in the process of embedding the new system to manage infection control with audits undertaken on a rolling cycle.
The areas where the provider should make improvement are:
Continue to embed the systems in place to ensure regular audits are undertaken and reviewed to monitor quality and performance and to encourage improvement.