Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital and Minor Injuries Unit, Edenbridge.Edenbridge and District War Memorial Hospital and Minor Injuries Unit in Edenbridge is a Clinic, Community services - Healthcare, Long-term condition, Rehabilitation (illness/injury) and Urgent care centre specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 23rd May 2013 Contact Details:
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22nd April 2013 - During a routine inspection
Hever ward was closed due to a heating fault and because senior management felt that patient care may be compromised by the high levels of agency staff required to maintain operational staffing levels. This was a temporary measure to consolidate and reassess the skills and experience of existing permanent staff. There were eight patients on Chartwell ward on the day of the inspection. We spoke with three patients, one relative and staff. Patients told us that they were satisfied with the care being provided and felt safe. One patient we spoke with said they were, “Pleased with my care”. Another patient said they were, “Lucky to have a nice hospital”. Patients and relatives spoke positively about the staff and told us that the admission process was, “Well organised by very caring staff who pre-empted the patients needs”. Staff told us that they felt supported in their roles and had regular individual supervision. We saw evidence that there were quality assurance processes in place. All the records we saw during the inspection were up to date. Individual patient care plans were formulated from the initial admission assessments and we saw that adjustments were made to records when there was any change to a patient’s needs.
28th February 2012 - During a routine inspection
Patients said that staff treated them with respect, listened to them and supported them to raise any concerns they had. They also said that they received the medical, nursing and personal care they needed and that they were comfortable on the ward. One patient said, 'The staff are excellent really, always busy but very kind and willing to help' and 'I'm happy with the hospital because it's small and friendly and they take good care of you. I've got exercises to do to get me up and about and I know that there are plans for me to go home as soon as possible'.
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