Eastway Romford, Stanton Gate, 49 Mawney Road, Romford.Eastway Romford in Stanton Gate, 49 Mawney Road, Romford is a Homecare agencies specialising in the provision of services relating to learning disabilities, personal care, physical disabilities and sensory impairments. The last inspection date here was 18th February 2020 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
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15th June 2017 - During a routine inspection
The inspection took place on 15 June 2017 and was announced. The provider was given 48 hours’ notice as they are registered to provide personal care to people in their own homes. We needed to be sure that someone would be in the office to speak to us. Eastway Romford provided personal care to people with learning disabilities while they were on holiday. At the time of our inspection they had supported one person in their own home for personal care and five people on two holidays. This was the first inspection of the service. The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The inspection took place on 15 June 2017 and was announced. The provider was given 48 hours’ notice as they are registered to provide personal care to people in their own homes. We needed to be sure that someone would be in the office to speak to us Staff had good understanding of people's needs and demonstrated knowledge of safeguarding from abuse. Before people went on the holidays, staff ensured that risk assessments were completed and proper planning undertaken so that potential harm to people was managed. The service had a recruitment processes which required that new staff were checked before they started work. The service provided support, training and supervision to enable people to work effectively. Staff understood the principles of Mental Capacity Act 2005 and ensured that people made decisions about their care, whenever they had the capacity. People were also supported to have meals food that reflected their needs and preferences. When needed, staff worked with healthcare professionals to ensure people had access to medical care and medicines. Staff ensured they treated people with respect and dignity. There was good communication between staff and relatives. This showed that relatives were updated with information about people's well-being. People and relatives could also make a complaint if they were not happy with the service. The registered manager had systems in place for reviewing the quality of the service and addressing any identified shortfalls and making improvements. The management structure and the mission statement were clear and showed that the service was forward-looking with plans for the future.
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