Cygnet Community Services West Midlands, Grout Street, West Bromwich.
Cygnet Community Services West Midlands in Grout Street, West Bromwich is a Community services - Mental Health specialising in the provision of services relating to caring for adults over 65 yrs, caring for adults under 65 yrs, mental health conditions and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 20th October 2017
Cygnet Community Services West Midlands is managed by Cygnet Behavioural Health Limited who are also responsible for 18 other locations
Contact Details:
Cygnet Community Services West Midlands Regional Office Heathers Grout Street West Bromwich B70 0HD United Kingdom
We rated CAS Community Services West Midlands as good because:
Staff were caring and compassionate in their work with patients. They were available to support patients and encouraged them to become independent at their own pace. Staff knew their patients well; they knew their strengths and limitations and treated patients as individuals.
The service had shown sustained improvement since the previous inspection. The registered manager and house managers had improved consistency of processes.
Staff were up to date with mandatory training and received regular supervision. Sickness and turnover was low.
All locations had a homely and well-maintained environment. Staff and patients ensured houses were kept clean and carried out regular checks of the environment.
Records were clear, comprehensive and detailed. Care plans and risk assessments were up-to-date and personalised. Staff monitored the physical health of patients and knew how to support patient’s needs.
Staff routinely reported incidents and managers reviewed these and made changes to practice as a result. Staff and patients received excellent support following incidents.