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Care Services

carehome, nursing and medical services directory

Carewatch (Colebrook House), 1-57 Colebrook House, London.

Carewatch (Colebrook House) in 1-57 Colebrook House, London is a Homecare agencies specialising in the provision of services relating to caring for adults over 65 yrs, caring for adults under 65 yrs, dementia, eating disorders, learning disabilities, mental health conditions, personal care, sensory impairments and substance misuse problems. The last inspection date here was 5th March 2020

Carewatch (Colebrook House) is managed by CSN Care Group Limited who are also responsible for 15 other locations

Contact Details:

      Carewatch (Colebrook House)
      Royal Military Academy
      1-57 Colebrook House
      SE18 4AP
      United Kingdom


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: Requires Improvement
Effective: Requires Improvement
Caring: Requires Improvement
Responsive: Requires Improvement
Well-Led: Inadequate

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2020-03-05
    Last Published 0000-00-00

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

20th February 2019 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

About the service: Carewatch (Colebrook House) is a domiciliary care agency. It provides personal care to people in their own houses and flats. It provides a service for up to 102 older adults. At the time of this inspection 88 people were being supported with personal care.

Not everyone using Carewatch (Colebrook House) receives a regulated activity; CQC only inspects the service being received by people provided with ‘personal care’; help with task related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do we also take into account any wider social care provided.

People’s experience of using this service:

¿ People did not always experience a consistent high quality, person-centred care and support.

¿ People were put at risk of receiving unsafe care and treatment because appropriate assessments were not always carried out with management plans for their needs to be met.

¿ People were not always supported with their medicines safely.

¿ People were not always supported at the time and duration planned for and sufficient staff were not always available to meet people’s needs.

¿ People’s privacy and dignity was not always respected.

¿ People said the service was not always caring and there was a language barrier between them and staff.

¿ People were provided with choice daily but they were not always involved in planning their care and support needs.

¿ The culture in the service was poor and staff teams did not consistently work together to deliver an effective service.

¿ The service was not consistently well-led and the management team lacked clear oversight and knowledge of how the service should be delivered.

¿ The systems in place to assess, monitor the quality of the service and drive improvement was ineffective.

¿ We have made a recommendation about working within the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and the handling of complaints.

¿ The provider had policies and procedures in place for safeguarding adults; however staff were not confident all abuse would be taken seriously.

¿ Staff received induction, training, supervision and appraisals but they did not feel supported in their role.

¿ People were supported to eat and drink for their health and well-being.

¿ People’s independence was promoted.

¿ People were supported to access healthcare services and the staff team worked in partnership with key professionals to provide joined-up care.

Rating at last inspection: This is our first inspection of the service since registering with us on 27 February 2018.

Why we inspected: This inspection was part of our routine scheduled plan of visiting services to check the safety and quality of the care people received.

Enforcement: Action we told the provider to take (refer to end of full report)

Follow up: We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If any concerning information is received we may inspect sooner.



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