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Care Services

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Bracton Centre Medium Secure Unit, Dartford.

Bracton Centre Medium Secure Unit in Dartford is a Hospitals - Mental health/capacity specialising in the provision of services relating to assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the 1983 act, caring for adults under 65 yrs, caring for people whose rights are restricted under the mental health act, diagnostic and screening procedures, mental health conditions and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 27th November 2019

Bracton Centre Medium Secure Unit is managed by Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust who are also responsible for 20 other locations

Contact Details:


For a guide to the ratings, click here.

Safe: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Effective: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Caring: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Responsive: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Well-Led: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended
Overall: No Rating / Under Appeal / Rating Suspended

Further Details:

Important Dates:

    Last Inspection 2019-11-27
    Last Published 2019-01-23

Local Authority:


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Inspection Reports:

Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry. If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report.

16th September 2013 - During a themed inspection looking at Offender Healthcare pdf icon

We visited Blantyre House with Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) and looked at the ways the healthcare service were delivered to prisoners at this specific location. We found that the Trust provides some mental health services as well as primary care such as general nursing, dentistry and GP provision.

We found that the patients were involved in planning their treatment and making decisions about their health care. Clear information was given and the service was accessible to all those who required it.

We spoke with patients who told us they were happy with the service they received and were able to access appointments and specialist help easily when needed. We found most areas of the healthcare centre to be clean and hygienic although some minor improvements were needed to the dental surgery.

We found that medicines were prescribed, stored and managed appropriately and the necessary systems were in place and were followed in relation to the distribution and administration of medication. There were audits in place to monitor the performance of the service in various areas although there were some limits to the opportunities for patients and staff to give feedback on the overall service.

6th July 2011 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

People who use the service told us during our visit on 6 July 2011 that staff involved them in planning their treatment and care and helped them to become more independent. They said that staff treated them well. They had regular contact with staff and felt able to make comments or complaints about the service to them. People told us their privacy and dignity were respected.

People were given information about the medicines they were taking and were monitored for any possible side effects.

People also told us that they chose what they wanted to eat, and that the premises were cleaned regularly and were well maintained.

1st January 1970 - During a routine inspection pdf icon

Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust had taken over the service in April 2014. It had not been able to implement all the changes that were envisaged and was working under a severe shortage of healthcare staff. It was responsible for primary health care services and worked with other providers including GPs, mental health and substance misuse services.

The young men we talked with said that they respected the healthcare professionals who cared for them. They felt the application forms to see various healthcare providers were easy to complete. They said that it was easy for them to see the nursing staff but less easy to see the GPs. They felt that sometimes hospital appointments took too long to arrange.



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