BOYDS Dental Practice, Middleton, Leeds.BOYDS Dental Practice in Middleton, Leeds is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 11th March 2014 Contact Details:
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14th February 2014 - During a routine inspection
Boyds Dental Practice is a small practice with one dentist and two dental nurses. The dentist has responsibility for the running of the practice. We spoke with five people who used the service who all told us they were fully informed about the treatment options available to them. People were complimentary about the staff. Comments included: “They’re lovely. They make you feel comfortable.” “They are very friendly and professional.” “They are excellent.” We looked at three people’s records. We saw evidence the dentist made sure they had the person’s full medical history, including any medication that was being taken and details of any allergies, before providing treatment. We found people experienced care, treatment and support that met their needs and protected their rights. There were two dental surgeries at the practice. However, only one was used to treat people. We looked at this dental surgery and saw it was clean and well maintained. We spoke with one dental nurse who told us that specific cleaning routines were in place to maintain hygiene standards. People we spoke with told us they were happy with the care being provided. Staff told us they were provided with opportunities for personal development and they felt supported. We saw dental staff were registered with the General Dental Council and had received appropriate continued professional development. The practice had clear complaints policies for both private and NHS patients. We found a notice in the waiting area stating that people could speak with the dentist if they were unhappy. However, we found copies of the complaints policies were not displayed in the waiting area. All five people told us they would speak with a member of staff if they had a complaint, although they did not have any cause to. One person commented: “He [the dentist] asks if everything is ok.”
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