Bhandal Dental Practice - 114 Alexandra Road, Halesowen.Bhandal Dental Practice - 114 Alexandra Road in Halesowen is a Dentist specialising in the provision of services relating to diagnostic and screening procedures, services for everyone, surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The last inspection date here was 31st May 2014 Contact Details:
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30th April 2014 - During an inspection to make sure that the improvements required had been made
We previously inspected Bhandal Dental Practice on 3 October 2013. We found that the provider had a system in place to ensure potential cross infection was reduced. However we saw some instruments to be visually unclean. At the time we judged that this had a minor impact on patients who used the service. We set compliance actions and told the provider to take action.
At this inspection we spoke with the area manager, two dental nurses, the practice manager and two dentists. We saw that issues identified in our previous inspection had had been addressed by the provider. A dental nurse we spoke with said that they now had more time to decontaminate used instruments. This meant that they were able to visually inspect cleaned instruments better.
3rd October 2013 - During a routine inspection
We carried out this inspection to check on the treatment of people. Following the inspection we conducted telephone interviews with seven people. On the day of the inspection we spoke with two dental nurses, a dentist, the practice manager and the registered manager. The practice consisted of a reception/waiting area, two treatment rooms, a decontamination area and a toilet all on the ground floor. The practice had a ramp to support people with mobility issues. However the toilet facilities did not meet the disability discrimination act requirements. We found that records showed that people had given verbal and written consent to treatment. One person said, "Yes I did give consent". Records showed that people's treatment was recorded. Treatment plans also showed the options discussed with people and the decision making process. One person said, "The dentist always lets me know what my treatment options are". The provider had a system in place to ensure potential cross infection was reduced. However we found some instruments to be visually unclean. The people we spoke with told us the staff were "professional, kind and very friendly". We found that the provider had a system in place to ensure appropriate recruitment checks were carried out to ensure staff's suitability to work at the practice. The provider had a complaints process in place to allow people to comment on the service they received.
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