Autism Together - 60 Manor Place, Bromborough Pool, Wirral.Autism Together - 60 Manor Place in Bromborough Pool, Wirral is a Residential home specialising in the provision of services relating to accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care and learning disabilities. The last inspection date here was 4th October 2017 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
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5th September 2017 - During a routine inspection
Autism Together 60 Manor Place is a care home registered for two people. The home is one of a range of services operated by the Wirral based charity Autism Together. It is an end of terrace house in the small village of Bromborough Pool. At the last inspection the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
The people who lived at the home were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems of the organisation supported this practice. The same two people had lived at the home for around 15 years. They were supported by three staff who had worked there for two years or longer. The registered manager had responsibility for several similar services and was supported by two team leaders. People had a safe and comfortable environment which had recently been redecorated. One person required support with prescribed medication and this was managed safely. The people who lived at the home participated in various daytime activities supported by staff employed by Autism Together. We also saw evidence that they enjoyed a full social life. They were able to choose what meals they would like and were supported by staff with cooking. Staff completed a comprehensive training programme and had regular supervision meetings with a team leader. Care records and other records relating to the running of the home were well maintained and up to date. Further information is in the detailed findings below.
27th January 2014 - During a routine inspection
Two men lived at 60 Manor Place and when we visited they were both out participating in community activities, however we were able to speak with one person when he returned home. He told us that he was a member of the Wirral Autistic Society band and this was an important part of his life. The people who lived at the home actively participated in monthly house meetings and minutes of the meetings showed that they were able to put forward their views about different aspects of the running of the home. They were also involved in the Society’s service user forum. One of the people who lived at the home had been seriously ill in 2013 and had spent time in hospital. When we met him he told us that he was now feeling well and had an appointment with his doctor for a check up next week. The other person did not have any health problems. People’s support needs were recorded in their care files, which were well ordered and comprehensive. Each person had a full review every year with the support team and family members.. People were able to choose what they would like to eat and drink and participated in weekly shopping trips. There was a team of three staff for this home and they worked a three week rota with a member of staff sleeping in the home at night. We looked at a selection of records which were up to date, neat and legible, and exceptionally well maintained.
6th February 2013 - During a routine inspection
We visited Manor Place at a time when the two people who live there were out with staff in the community but we were able to speak with them when they returned. When we asked them they told us that "We have had a good day today". They also said "I feel safe with staff looking after me", "I can do what I want" and "I like it here". On the day of our visit we also spoke with the registered manager, the team leader and two members of staff. Staff we spoke with told us that the people living at Manor Place were included in decision making and involved in the planning and review of their care. One staff member told us "Decision making is made during joint discussions" and "compromises were made to accommodate different requests". We observed respectful, inclusive and caring interaction by the staff with the people living at Manor Place. We spoke with one person's parent who told us that their relative was being cared for by "the best of what is available in this area" and "we are involved at every review". We looked at the care records of both people and found that they provided clear guidance on the assessment, care and support planning for each person in the house. The staff we spoke with were clear about peoples' care needs and we found that the records reflected what we had been told and information was up to date. We also checked and found that procedures were in place to ensure that medication was managed correctly and that the environment was kept safe.
7th July 2011 - During a routine inspection
Due to communication difficulties, it was not entirely possible to obtain a clear view of what people thought about the way they are being looked after. However, the people spoken to said they like the staff and they appear to have developed good relationships. Comments made by the people living at the home included: ‘The staff are great and we do lots of things together’. ‘I like living at Manor Place’. ‘The staff are always nice’. ‘If I’m not happy I would speak to Carl (the manager)’. The relatives of the people living at the home said they are happy with the way their relative is being cared for. They said the staff seem to know about their relative’s care needs and are always polite and professional. They confirmed they are always kept informed about things that going on with their relative. They said they know how to make a complaint. Neither relative had any complaints to make. One relative commented there seemed to be less social activities provided more recently. Comments from relatives included: ‘The staff seem to be very good; they are always polite and professional’.
‘The staff are very good, they always keep me informed about what’s going on’. ‘I’m very happy with the care my relative receives, I have no complaints to make’.
A health care professional who was involved in the service last year said the care provided at Manor Place is excellent and the staff were a pleasure to work with. She said the staff are knowledgeable and their expertise in the area of autism and learning disability was excellent. She had no concerns about the safety and welfare of the person she supported. Her comments included: ‘The staff are excellent, they were very professional and it was a pleasure to work with them’. The staff always kept me informed about what was going on and dealt with difficult situations extremely well’. The Wirral contract department had no concerns about this service.
1st January 1970 - During a routine inspection
This comprehensive inspection took place on 10 August 2015 at Oak House (the headquarters of the provider, Wirral Autistic Society) where we looked at some records relating to 60 Manor Place and on 26 August 2015, when we visited the home itself.
The home was an end of terrace house where accommodation and personal care were provided for two people who have autism. The home is one of a range of services operated by Wirral Autistic Society (WAS) which is a registered charity. At the time of our inspection there were two people living at 60 Manor Place.
The home required a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. There was a registered manager in place who had been in post for several years as had many of the staff.
The people living in the home were able to express themselves in a safe environment. They were able to choose the way they spent their day. They were taken to activities outside the home and encouraged to keep family connections by visiting family where possible. Residents meetings where held frequently. People who lived at the home decided the sort of food that they would like to eat themselves, shopped for it and were supported to cook it by the staff.
We found that the staff were well trained and supported. They were able to demonstrate skill and competency in their knowledge about autism and the support people required. The people living there were clearly happy with the support that staff gave them and there was a good rapport between them.
We checked the medication cabinet which was stored in the staff sleepover room. We saw that medication was given as directed and stored appropriately. We talked with staff who were able to demonstrate their knowledge of safeguarding and were able to tell us how to report abuse. The home environment was clean and well decorated and there was appropriate fire fighting equipment and evacuation plans in place, in case of an emergency.
Each of the people’s bedrooms had been personalised by the people who lived in them and they looked homely and cared for. They were able to lock their bedroom doors, choose who entered their rooms and go in and out of the front door freely.
Care records, staff records, audits and other documents relating to the running of the home, were well-kept and up-to-date.
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