Ashwood Court - Unit 1, Lowton, Warrington.Ashwood Court - Unit 1 in Lowton, Warrington is a Residential home specialising in the provision of services relating to accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care and mental health conditions. The last inspection date here was 23rd November 2018 Contact Details:
Ratings:For a guide to the ratings, click here. Further Details:Important Dates:
Local Authority:
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25th October 2018 - During a routine inspection
Ashwood Court-Unit 1 is a ‘care home’. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. The inspection was unannounced and completed on 25 October 2018. The purpose-built home is situated in Lowton, Greater Manchester and benefits from all ground floor accommodation. The home is registered to provide care and support to 17 adults living with a mental health diagnosis. There were 16 people living at the home at the time of the inspection because one person was in hospital. People varied in age from 35 to 110. At our last inspection we rated the service good. At this inspection we found the evidence continued to support the rating of good and there was no evidence or information from our inspection and ongoing monitoring that demonstrated serious risks or concerns. This inspection report is written in a shorter format because our overall rating of the service has not changed since our last inspection. . During the last inspection, although the home was rated as good overall, it was rated as requires improvement in the key line of enquiry (KLOE) effective because we made a recommendation. This was in relation to the application of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). At this inspection we found the provider had addressed our recommendation. Staff had received training in MCA and DoLS and when people were identified as not having capacity to consent to their care and treatment, applications to request a DoLS had been made to the local authority. The home had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. Everybody spoken with told us they felt safe living at the home. Appropriate recruitment checks had been completed prior to new staff working at the home and the safeguarding processes were organised and transparent. There were sufficient numbers of staff on duty to meet people’s needs. Rota’s were flexible and staffing numbers increased when required to facilitate appointments and day trips. People had comprehensive risk assessments and ‘my plans’ completed by staff which contained control measures to reduce risk. These were easy to navigate and contained all the required information to meet people’s needs safely. We found medicines had been managed safely. There were effective systems in place to ensure medicines were ordered, stored, received and administered appropriately. New staff received an induction which was aligned with the care certificate and all staff completed regular online training through e-learning for you (elfy). Staff had quarterly supervision and an annual appraisal of their work. Staff demonstrated they were knowledgeable regarding the Mental Capacity Act (MCA 2005) and DoLS. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. People told us staff were caring and friendly and respected their privacy and dignity. They confirmed being given choices about their care and personal preferences were considered. The home was meeting the accessible information standard. People had a communication plan at the start of their care file and there was an accessible information resource file in the foyer of the home to support staff. People accessed the community independently and there were afternoon activities and organised trips people participated in. The complaints process and outcomes of surveys was clear and transparent. People and visito
18th January 2016 - During a routine inspection
The inspection was unannounced and carried out on the 18 January 2016. The service was last inspected on 04 September 2013 when we found the service was complaint with all the regulations assessed at that time. Ashwood Court is a residential care home situated in Lowton, Greater Manchester. The home is owned and managed by Making Space. The home is in close proximity to local amenities and on a bus route. The home is on one level and provides care and support for up to 17 adults who are living with a mental health diagnosis. There were 17 people living at the home at the time of the inspection, varying in age from 32 to 107. There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. People, relatives and visiting healthcare professionals spoke positively about the staff and care provided. It was observed during the inspection that staff understood people’s needs, maintained people’s confidentiality and liaised with external agencies timely and appropriately. Staff went through a robust recruitment process before working at the home. During the inspection we observed sufficient staff were deployed to meet people’s needs. People had comprehensive risk assessments which were reviewed regularly and changed timely to meet people’s needs. People and their relatives were involved in the assessments and planning of their health and social care. Regular reviews were undertaken and people’s views were listened too and acted on. Staff received safeguarding training and were able to tell us how they would identify and report safeguarding concerns. Medicines were stored and administered safely. Staff were supported through induction, supervision and training to promote better outcomes for people. We received a mixed response from staff regarding their understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). We saw staff had received training but upon reporting our findings at the end of the inspection, staff were scheduled to attend further training. We have made a recommendation about the application of the acid test in making decisions regarding DoLS. We saw staff assessed peoples’ nutritional needs and people had been consulted through resident meetings regarding the menus. People were offered choice at mealtimes and were also able to make their own snacks throughout the day. People were supported by staff that were compassionate and treated them with dignity and respect. The home was warm and welcoming. It was clean, free from offensive odours and was decorated and maintained. People had personalised their bedroom with pictures and ornaments. We saw people visiting throughout our inspection. Visitors told us they were always welcomed and said that communication with the service was good. There was a positive atmosphere throughout the home and people spoke positively about the support provided. Staff were described as ‘understanding people’s needs and going the extra mile’. Feedback was sought from people, relatives and staff through meetings, surveys and suggestions We saw the home had received compliments from relatives and healthcare professionals since our last inspection. People told us they knew how to make a complaint and felt comfortable to do this should they need to. Relatives and people living at the home told us they thought the home was well-led and that the management was approachable. We received positive feedback about the service from three social care professionals A range of audits were undertaken to help monitor and improve the quality and safety of the service. We saw actions were implemented timely following any deficits identified. Manag
4th September 2013 - During a routine inspection
We spoke with nine people who lived at Ashwood Court and one of their relatives. People told us they were happy in the home and were supported by staff who "knew what they were doing." Comments included "staff are kind and helpful people", "the staff here are my friends" and "staff do their very best to make our lives good." A relative of a person who lived in the home told us that staff were "kind supportive people who really did care about the people they supported." We observed staff interacting with people living in the home and their relatives. This showed that people were at ease with each other and were able to use gentle humour within their conversations with positive effect. People told us the food was good and the menu held many choices to suit individual preference. Staff were seen to be working as a team and interacting well during the inspection. Comments from staff included "I love working here as we work well as a team" and "I feel supported in my role and get good training in anything I feel I need." Ashwood Court holds regular meetings with people who live in the home and their relatives to make sure they can have their say about the running of the home.
18th September 2012 - During a routine inspection
We visited Ashwood Court and asked people to tell us what it was like living there. People we spoke with made positive comments about the care and support they received. We spoke with seven people who said that they understood the care and choices available to them and that they were involved in making decisions about the care and support they received. They told us that they were provided with clear information about the home before they made a decision to live there. They also told us as part of the initial assessment they were asked by the manager what they would like to be called. Everybody we spoke with said they felt that their dignity was not compromised in any way by the care workers. They said care workers always knocked at the door before entering their room and maintained their dignity when delivering personal care. People told us that when they were assessed for a placement at the home they were shown around the building and introduced to other people living there. They said that they were asked what they wanted to achieve and how they would like their care to be delivered. One person told us that they liked the home very much and felt settled. Other comments included “I love it here, I was sad and frightened on my own. I feel very much at home here and very well looked after”. “Staff are very kind and caring”, “I can do what I want and staff are here to help me”, “We have just been on holiday, it was great”. People living in the home said that they would raise any concerns they had with the care staff or the manager as appropriate. Comments included “We feel safe here”,”Staff protect us from harm”. People we spoke with said they felt fully supported by the care staff. Comments from people included " I have not been here that long but feel well supported by staff”, “The staff are wonderful, they treat us well”,” They make us feel good about ourselves,” They really care”. “I trust the staff to care for the people living here. They know what they are doing and provide a good level of care”.
27th October 2011 - During a routine inspection
On the day of the visit we talked with twelve of the fifteen people who were living at Ashwood Court Unit 1. Three people did not want to share their views with us. People told us that they were very satisfied with the way the home was run and the support and care provided. People who talked to us were confident when giving us their point of view about the service. People at Ashwood Court Unit 1 said that they liked living there. Comments included: “It’s all right here.” “I rate Ashwood Court as very good. It suits me.” And, "They’re not shifting me from here- it’s all right for me." People confirmed that they were involved in planning their support. Comments included: "They talked to me and I signed something when I came in." And, “They ask about what you want.” People confirmed that health care was provided and effective and that staff notice of any illness. Comments included: “Recently I had a bad pain in my chest and I couldn’t catch my breath and the staff were very quick to rush me into hospital.” And, "I go to see the doctor." People told us that they always felt safe and mostly got on with the staff at Ashwood Court Unit 1. Comments included: “Staff are nice, very kind and quick.” "I get on with staff they're nice. ....(member of staff) gets on my nerves a little but not very often." “I’ve no complaints because they’ve helped me a lot." “I’m happy… nobody hurts me.” And, "I've no favourite staff all are lovely. I can do my own thing everything is fine."
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